Membership gives you a range of benefits, including insurance through the BBKA.
Membership is open to all on payment of a small subscription. At the moment this is:
- £30.00 p.a. for a Registered Member
- £15.00 for a Partner Member living at the same address
- £10.00 for an Associate member i.e. someone interested but not keeping bees.
- Currently we do not have a Junior membership category.
Subscriptions are due on 1st January.
To apply for membership of PDBKA please fill out the Membership form which should appear in your ‘Downloads’ box and send via email to the treasurer or bring to one of our meetings.
Bee Disease Insurance scheme for 2024
No. of colonies
up to 3 included in basic subs.
4 or 5 add £1.20
6 to 10 add £4.70
11 to 15 add £7.75
16 to 20 add £9.50
21 to 25 add £11.10
26 to 30 add £13.60
31 to 35 add £16.10
36 to 39 add £18.10
The Association Committee
President : Colonel C L Horrocks MA MEd FRCS (ORCS-HNS) L/RAMC
Vice-President: Mr. G. Martin
Mr. Richard Davies
Mrs. Yvonne Banke
Treasurer / Membership Secretary:
Mr. Kevin Overton